Friday, August 6, 2010


My goodness, I can't believe I haven't blogged for so long. I have missed visiting all of my fav blogs and following along with all of you. We have had a very busy month here and I just couldn't get to the computer to play! I have a couple more busy weeks and then hoping things will get back to normal the first part of September. I can't even imagine all the fun and beautiful things I have missed but it would be impossible to try and catch up now.  Hope everyone is having a great summer, (hot for sure)  and I will be back playing with all of you soon.

I haven't had much time to play but decide I needed to do something a few weeks back so I played with photoshop using images from my sweet girl Jodie at Everything Vintage, Dark City by StarLight Designs, Hocus Pocus from Shabby Pickle and clock face by Elegia.


Lynn said...

Welcome back!

Hearts Turned said...

What a fabulous collage, Debby! Love all the elements you added--just perfect!

I understand about this summer--it's been crazy, hasn't it?! But it's been filled with wonderful things...

Hope your day is beautiful...


Birgit said...

Hi Debby,

First of all, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.

I love your new digital collage. You have such a great style! :)


Prior said...

Looks cool, glad you are back. I would like some time to play with photoshop, too. Lezlee

Carousel Dreams said...

Welcome back! Love your photoshop creation x

Kelly Berkey said...

fun! welcome back. why are summers so busy? i miss the long warm days with nothing to do but create and dream:-)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It's really good to read your post and know everything is OK. This is a stunning digital piece. And of course the cat stared me down as I was leaving a comment.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Debby,
What a great piece of art. I love it, especially the black kitty.


Anonymous said...

I missed you alot.....your posts always inspire me.

This digi is so fun....I'm going to check out those webistes since now I am CRAZED about PSE! I learned to make a PNG and I cannot stop! Help me!!!!!

We've had a HOT summer, too. Looking forward to Sept and cooler weather. Did I say that? Slap me in February when I complain about being cold!


Terri said...

Oh this digi art is fascinating to look at, so much to see! Well done!

I know what you mean about catching up. I just returned home and feel out of the loop. I can't wait to see what you all have been up to.

Hasn't this been a fast summer???

Lola said...

Hope you're having a good summer!


Healing Woman said...

Welcome back. Summer is a tough time for computer playing. I agree. I am addicted to reading everyone's wonderful posts and learning and sharing now and, like you, hate to miss.

Your photoshop image is intriguing. A story could be written about it for sure.

I'll be checking back with you soon Debby.

Happy Summer!

Lynn said...

Hi Debby, I hope you get back to blogging soon, we all miss you, but hey reality outside all of this fun often catches up doesn't it? I took one day off the computer yesterday and I missed a lot, even your post :)
Love the digi collage, always fun to have that option when you don't want to use paper and glue.
Stay cool !

~*~Patty S said...

Always fun to visit with you Debby!
Your digital collage is WOW gorgeous!
Wishing you and yours a most happy weekend!

Frieda Oxenham said...

Sorry to hear you've been so busy, Debby but you have managed to produce a gorgeous digital collage. Try and enjoy what's left of the summer!!

Unknown said...

Hi Debby! It has been a busy summer for us too! I love the images and color palette in this one. Love me some Jodie girl too - she is such a sweetheart. This kids are going to be back in school next week so I will be ready to get crafty sister! *HUGS* Heidi

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

There's my old Debby!!!!

I've told you many a times and I'll tell you again...


You are just a natural at it and every new creation seems to top the last one.

I'm happy to see you back here and know that you've been taking the time to "play" while you were out.
Love it!!!!

(always making others happy is a great thing to do, but there's nothing like making your own self happy, right?)

Missed you, and again...I'm so happy to see my old Debby again!!!

Lisa said...

So good to see you back sweetie! I know what you mean about busy times. I can't believe it's already August. Fall will be here soon, then you know whats next. EEKKK! That Jodie is like Santa, she gives some good stuff, huh? Love your digital collage. Lisa

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Hi Debby, Your collage is lovely! The crow and the black cat tell me that you might get into the Halloween mood already :-)?
Have a wonderful Sunday, girl!
Big hugs to you,

.Trudi Sissons said...

Wowser Debby! You are a prolific artist! This is packed full of such funky fun images! Way to go! Hope your life slows down quickly so we all get to see more of you here!

Unknown said...

I missed you too...glad you are back

Lovey said...

Debby I love your collages! They have such depth to them! Glad you'll be out visiting again...there's so much to see and smile over...Hope 2 c u soon 2! Hugs!

Jan Thomason said...

Oh, my goodness - it was so good to "hear" from you when you commented on my blog post!
And, sweetheart, your digi work is amazing. I really wish you'd come to visit me and give me some lessons.

i'll pay.

and, did i know that you know my darling friend, jodie? (my memory is simply horrid). I met her at paper cowgirl and am sooo glad that i did!

xxoo, jan