Saturday, July 17, 2010

Another week was here and gone!!!

My goodness I do not know where the time goes around here. Seems like I was just as happy as could be as my days off roled around and here it is late Saturday and back to work tomorrow. BLAH!!!! I stayed up late on Thursday night so I could get everything done around the house and have Friday and Saturday to play but that never seems to work out. LOL... I am already on the count down of weeks left to work and I am sure it is 15. Isn't that sad when one would be on the count down for fall to arrive and the end of October to get here so she can stay home and have lots of art time. Geesh...

I didn't have time to get my glue and paper out this weekend but wanted to get something accomplished so I sat down and messed around in photoshop. I am not sure where this even came from because I really didn't have anything in mind except to play. I knew I wanted to use the doll head and that is all I knew. So I guess it has ended up as just one of those days. It is fun to play with photoshop as there isn't a huge mess to clean up when your playing comes to an end.


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Evening Debby...
Oh my goodness what fun you have had today. I love your creation. Isn't it amazing what we are crafting with today, when years gone by we would have thrown out that doll head when she broke, as she was useless to us? Now we cradle them with kid gloves when we find one, and can't wait to make something with that beautiful find.

I love the Moma holding the child high in the air, and the key, the key to a Moma's heart. And ofcourse the archway representing our love for God. I love it. I thank you so much for sharing with me this evening. It is breath taking.

Have a peaceful evening. Thank you for contributing to mine.

Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

Unknown said...

It is really pretty, especially for just messing around....I was wondering where you have been...

Dorthe said...

I love it, it is so wonderfull in colors, and all you have done with the background, very lovely, and full of new things to see, in every corner.
Hugs, Dorthe

Lola said...

Love the image!

Hope you have a lovely week ahead,


Diane said...

Wonderful piece of art, Debby! It must be hard not to be able to play around as much as you would like, but enjoy your summer anyway!!

Healing Woman said...

I can only imagine the fabulous creations you will produce once you are home and not working. I'd be counting down too!

Janine said...

Your dream-pages are absolutly marvellous.
Have a great weeknend

Joanna said...

Lovely image here. I won't be able to do any glueing and sticking today cos I've got to tidy up my 'studio', booooooor-ring but I've been trying to work in a 2 square inch area of workspace so needs must. I try not to wish my life away, but I tick away the hours on my working days (Mon-Wed) so I can have the rest of the week to myself. So you're not alone. x ps is word verification trying to tell me something - it came up with 'botox'!!

Jan Hennings said...

LOVE this! just beautiful~

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous - love your color palette!
Happy Sunday,

Terri Kahrs said...

Sometimes life gets in the way of art and best made plans fall by the wayside. Doesn't seem as though there are enough hours in the day to do all we want to do. Am happy to hear that you've been enjoying your summer. And, yes, playing digitally is a lot of fun! Nice work! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Frieda Oxenham said...

And doesn't she look gorgeous in her very own digital collage. I love what you're doing in Photoshop and just wish I could join Marie Otero's class with you but my dial-up is simply not up to it. Still looking at your beautiful work I know I want to persevere!

Terri said...

Super creative Debby, I am so glad you had a chance to sit down and just play.
This is wonderful art! I love all your layers, and your images. It always amazes me what you can do with Photoshop!

June said...

I love your digital collage Debby. I love how you create when you're not making a mess.
I know what you mean about the time zinging by. I can feel the wrinkles forming by the minute,hehe!

Rustique Gal said...

I love what you've done in PS! I need to spend more time there too, as everything I do there takes toooo much time. After knee surgery in Sept. I should have plenty of time to play with it. You inspire me!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Photoshop has turned into as great a tool as paint and glue. One of these days, it will be a staple in every altered artist's toolbox. I really love what you're making. And the cleanup IS a lot easier!

Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

Hi Debby,
beautiful digital collage - TFS.
Have a wonderful day.

Patti Edmon Artist said...

maybe not a big mess but I'd say your photoshop project is a huge success! I love it!
I'm not sure why you have 15 weeks of work left but I can certainly understand the longing for more creative time. take care, oh, and I'm with you on the heat thing... if I'm not floating in the water I'm inside!

~*~Patty S said...

Lovely collage and it must be nice not to have all the bits strewn here and there ... digital and I just do not seem to get along ... not there yet LOL
Thank you for popping by my Magpie's Nest and for your sweet comment ... it's so true that time seems to be passing at warp speed
Enjoy Enjoy !

Jillayne said...

Beautiful Debby! I have a great admiration for people who can create art on the computer - I struggle with just the typing! Love the doorwys and the key and of course the flowers. There is a lot of perspective in this and your eye just draws you in - simply lovely. Now, what else will you make with it?!?

.Trudi Sissons said...

Hi Debby,
What you said is exactly why I enjoy doing digital collage - I never know where it will take me but I always enjoy the getting there. This is a beautifully sensitive and artistic collage. You've come such a long way from ...was it a year ago you took the course? Love it and always enjoy visiting your blog - it has so much 'heart' in it.

Lynn said...

I don't think it's sad at all for a woman to be counting down the weeks to finish work in the Fall, I actually can't wait for Fall after this blistering hot summer and I know I am not the only one :)
That's what I like too about Photoshop, you don't have a mess to clean up and I just love your collage Debby, at least you had a little creative time after all :)

Lucy - By the Hill said...

Your photoshop piece is beautiful! What fun! I love photoshop and need a play day myself soon.
The week goes by too quickly, I agree!

Tara said...

I hear you about the mess. I am JUST starting to wish for Fall too, it's my favorite season. However it seems a bit strange to me because Summer has been so un summerlike here. Cool temps, which is fine with me, but the hot weather is one reason I look forward to Fall! I'm all mixed up!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Wonderful 'play' thing, Debby!

I hear you on the days zooming by. This was my week off from work - it was supposed to be a writing week, lots of revisions...hmm...some revisions...some resting, some playing. Enjoyed myself, though!

Such a Wondrous Place this Faery Space said...

I can't believe my weeks are flying away too. I am so glad you stole some moments for this beauty! Blessings dear.

Scrapping With Sherry said...

I have to get Photoshop! I really dont know alot about computers but have seen some neat stuff done lately using this program. I am wanting to put photoframes around my pictures on my blog if you have any tips or instructions for me I would appreciate it.

I came here today to introduce myself. My name is Sherry, and I am one of the new Bloggerette Sorority Sisters. I have only been blogging for a few weeks so I missed the rush, but am excited to take part in all the fun! I would be honored if you would come for a visit at my blog

Take Care~ Sherry

Sugar Lump Studios said...

Morning Debby
I love the gorgeous collage you made. the colors are just perfect and so is the composition! I swear summer flies by after July 1st - and here it is August already! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

Gaby Bee said...

I found your blog today and love it! I enjoyed looking at your make great compositions!
Enjoy your day and make more such fab art!