I belong to a great group of 5 artists. Our group is called ColorGroupies and each month we make atc's from the colors that have been pre-determined for the year. January colors were turquoise & copper. All of my atc's have arrived to there destination so I can share here now.
I found myself feeling down because I came to the conclusion that I was spending way too much time on the internet and really not accomplishing things that I wanted to, including art. I have cut myself way back on internet time and am having lots of fun playing again. I actually had a great time making these atc's instead of feeling like it was something that I had to do because the month was coming to an end.. YAY ME!!!!!!
I bet we all have to reflect once in awhile about how best to use our time. I try to check on blog posts a few times a week now instead of making it a priority for hours everyday. I check in on FB early in the morning and never go back until the next morning. I like the freedom I have found in getting out and enjoying friends and family and doing things that are dear to my heart. I still love checking my fav blogs, but I am now doing it on my terms and it isn't something that needs to happen to fulfill my day. Anyone else feel like this?
Have a great weekend everyone! I know I will..